I hate holidays ...
Perhaps before I write something for the pain wise and thought-warn from the outset that I have no strength to write something modrego and definitely intelligent. This text will be so very chaotic construction and certainly a very personal nature, which can afford only one who subscribes to a silly nickname just to avoid having to check out his still głupszym first and last name ...
dreams meaning
I do not know whether he will agree with me, but for me it is always the moment when I knew that Christmas vacation begins, is when the last time I see a class. In general, when we say the various nice things, we wish you a pleasant holiday, and we feel pain, so I can not be honest to you. I do not know whether you as a mass, but I always wanted to see my beloved, happy, festive class to tell them that they hate and that I want to puke when I see them. Only now the situation changed when I landed in my "wonderful" economic technical school. Previously I was an outsider, class and school. I guess in every school there is someone who does not speak to anyone and who is not generally liked. In elementary school I did not know that I am this person and that I would be the person unless and until the end of his days. Only in high school, I began to be suppressed by my peers. It was really a very difficult period for me ...
I have always been very quiet child. I guess, because I always considered myself a bit more adult than everyone around me. Of course it was not true, just much too often worried everyone to understand that not everything has to be my concern. Anyhow, I was rather too well-liked in high school, luckily I could somehow deal with the time, watched movies on video and played various computer games, so do not feel that so much. The more that I hit such a class, which was beyond me, three other głupków to beat [all I knew, moreover, has long been] Moreover, there was not even the most favorite of them, so I gave each other advice and experienced high school. Of course, I closed in on itself to the rest, but the fact that I can to admit it means that I can fight it and I can win this fight ...
Returning to the main theme. My economic technical school is probably the worst school that I could choose. But the really difficult for me to criticize bad I had class. There are no people in it perfect or saints. Have time to several people for whom I do not like huge, but no one wrong. I will say even more is a lot of really good and worth to know people. This is the second year of study in this school, and only now are understand me a little while a pity that they did not know the fog ...
dream dictionary
So this day, the day when the nightmare begins, the day when you need to divide the wafer with its [not] your friends from the class. Normally, I would probably class Olala vigils and even if I come to it and it would do so not for me any impression. But this time I made together with my friends from the class of seven gold on wine [friends was five, so have accumulated quite a few bottles niezłych]. That would be sweet tasting. At the outset I would say that it was supposed to be the first such tasting in my life. I do not know whether it will seem strange, but I'm seventeen and just a few days ago, of that terrible Friday afternoon I drank so much alcohol that the towers are not the words of the elders, that drinking too much alcohol leads to a number of headaches, unconsciousness and problems with retention of food inside his body.
We arranged for the ninth hour, which is one hour earlier than we should come, precisely in order to get drunk. Of course in our school are always problems with the organization, so when I arrived it turned out that we have no where to drink, because we took a different class rooms, which came earlier. It turned out that our teacher very conscious [that she forgot that lesson is with us and going up from the floor asked why we are not some lessons] forgot to book us a room on the eve of the class.
dream interpretations
So we spent an hour of waiting for the rest of the class and the second hour of waiting for our educators, who obviously decided to be late. Once you've arrived, next hour passed before they found us a room, of course, during this hour, our teacher had time to destroy and re-visit us later. But this may be a while ...
Each school has at least one room is so small that it can equally be a small dungeon, which pushes the students who have sinned. First of all, so that in the darkness and silence of Repentance their sins. I do not know what we did, but we were sent to just such a room.
When one of our package took a drink [probably never forget his happy facial expression caused by the triumph of the fate and happy eyes caused by small sample drink half an hour earlier in the girls toilets ...]. I do not think I have to say what was later. Everyone began to sing [the whole class! Polish blood! because every Pole will entertain, if he had not paid !!!]. Your friend, stood on the table and began to invite all of his eighteenth birthday. Funniest thing in this was that when he was asked a question, when is the birthday, the poor [najebany] boy did not know how to answer that patina. More or less when trying to determine when he was born to a teacher entered the room and started yelling that we are irresponsible and blame us for lack of intellect. "How can you allow someone to perceive you the sale."
I do not know! How can I not save the book on this goddamn room !!!???
I ended up on the fact that after less than half an hour, when he had finished a good mood [and alcohol ...] all took hinge and began to stare at the floor ...
dream about
As for me, I've never had good humor ...
Constantly stared at a small tree standing in the corner of this small room and wondering why I do not feel the effects of alcohol. I drank three glasses and I could not even pretend najebanego ... All around was so good humor, and I thought only about how shallow and meaningless is the feeling of happiness. Moments for them to cross, and only I will keep this in mind ...
I wish I could say that the crop one real feeling, even pain, than to live in blissful ignorance of alcoholic intoxication. But too much envied them that, so now you lie.
Ultimately speaking, when everyone had decided to leave and before going to share with the rest of wafers started this whole spectacle, and deceit indecision. In general, always in such situations, repeat some old text has always been known for like "I wish a lot ...". But I suddenly started działaś alcohol, because this time my lyrics are slightly different. One girl said that I would have to be debile, so do not try to know her through the remaining years and declared that all persons that were then in a room is one of those that I know. Yet another, a prettier little girl, I proposed a date. But the most beautiful of them all [now my partner] did not say anything and just went up and firmly embraced. Probably for a good few minutes snuggled up with her like I kind of knew how his name is [alcohol działaś suddenly so clear that even as I do not remember my name:)]. All these funny asshole, I said acquaintances of the class, I will not even try to remember. There were so many that I still miss something.
Guess that this text at the beginning was to have a moral. But I guess I would be mistaken in claiming that this is so. And the only moral that comes to mind is that I drink enough:).
I hate holidays ...
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