Nationality, or how to unsubscribe

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Nationality, or how to unsubscribe

This (nomen omen) art will be worth their two heroes. The first is, fortunately, had been Deputy Minister of Education, Polish coryphee creationism, defender of the oppressed, the Redemptorists and fabulist in the person of one - that is, Miroslaw Orzechowski. Miroslaw Orzechowski, as loudly inform the media, appealed to President Kaczynski to take away Lukasowi Podolskiemu and Miroslav Klose of Polish citizenship, proclaiming all and sundry that the Polish law prohibits the possession of two citizenships. Another hero is the Wojciech Cejrowski, known throughout the country traveler, journalist and barefoot warrior on the front antyhomoseksualnych crusades. Cejrowski, in turn, in an interview with the Official, announced the renunciation of Polish citizenship and move to uninfected European Union in Ecuador, where (as they say) the grass is greener, the hacienda and the broader more intimidating homosexuals.

Both initiatives bring in a strong emotional charge, of course, but we look at them from a legal point of view. Indeed, to answer the questions: can anyone receiving Polish citizenship (1) whether it is possible waiver of that (2), and - if such options exist - it looks like the procedure for making such a denationalization (3).

Let's first appeal Miroslaw Orzechowski. The proclamation is - except that proof of emotional AMG Wallpaper popaprania activist LPRu - is also a frightening testimony to how the former minister of legal ignorance. As we read in the Constitution:

| Article 34 paragraph. 2. A Polish citizen may not lose Polish citizenship except by renunciation thereof.

So we see clearly: the Constitution prohibits anyone receiving citizenship, and that in any circumstances. Where, then, in the right-wing radical idea that the law does not permit the holding of dual citizenship? Probably over-interpretation of the Law on Polish citizenship. The law says that because:

| Article 2 Polish citizen under Polish law can not simultaneously be considered a citizen of another country.

Does this provision - formulated, let us admit, rather unfortunately - is a ban on having dual citizenship? Of course not. Under such an interpretation of a Polish citizen disadvantaged Polish passport at the time of acquisition of citizenship of another country, and this reading of that provision is manifestly contrary to the already quoted article of the Constitution. This provision - as explained by the Supreme Administrative Court judgment of 28 December 1994 - "not a bar to have two citizenships, but only the fact that a Polish citizen under Polish law can not simultaneously be considered a citizen of another country." This provision does not mean So nothing more than that someone (such as Podolski and Klose) have Polish citizenship, will always be treated by the Polish law as a citizen of our country - it will not be so tyczył for example, restrictions on the sale of land for foreigners.

Otherwise applies to the journalist Cejrowskim. Cejrowski wants to renounce citizenship, and has the right to do: allow him to take it again, this article of the Constitution. Detailed information about the making of national apostasy found in the Articles. 13-17 Act on Polish citizenship and the President's regulation on the same topic. Journalist Cejrowski to renounce Polish citizenship must have citizenship or have promised to Ecuador; certificate attached to it an application or steward (if Cejrowski already living in their Ecuadorian hacienda) Polish consul. Such a restriction serves to protect individuals: in fact comes from the correct assumption that the possession of any nationality is better on the status of stateless persons. Against our bosemu publicist could not be contemplated or judicial proceedings: when such a waiver pending citizenship is not possible - because it could be a way to wymiganie from punishment. Request for waiver of citizenship and the governor shall provide the necessary documents with their opinion, palatine, and did - through the minister responsible for internal affairs - the President. President lands on the desk or request the consular officer. This president makes the final decision is his decision shall be final, Wojciech Cejrowski should therefore be careful not to podpaść the First. Refusal of consent should be, however, due to the important prerequisites, consent will automatically result in the loss of Polish citizenship (and hence has, as they say wisely, constitutive nature). If such a situation occurs, the consul or the governor wręczający applicant agreed to surrender him must take proof, passport or other evidence of Polish identity.

So we see: the case is feasible, though requires samozapracia. But what I think you Aston Martin Wallpaper Cejrowskiemu no shortage - may also sincerely believe, count on the support people. I will add it apart brick: I can help in completing applications and carry a suitcase. If he took the Minister Orzechowski - even barefoot.

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