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Waste can call all the solids, which were established by
industrial activity, economic or human existence and are not useful in
time and place of manufacture.
Waste must be properly managed.
The whole process begins with the collection of transport, recovery after inactivation
waste, called the waste management system.
This work aims to analyze the waste management system used in
Podlaskie province.
The study was a descriptive analysis method used. State of waste management in
Podlaskie province has been analyzed, thanks to the available source material, and
well as literature.
Work consists of: admission, four chapters, and summaries and conclusions.
The first chapter presents the genesis of waste management and legislation,
regulating issues related to municipal waste management. Reference is both
the regulations in the European Union and the Polish legislation. In terms of
legal bases observed in Poland, special attention was given to: Law
maintaining cleanliness and order in communities with dn. September 16, 1996 roku1
and Act
Waste from April 27, 2001 roku2
The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the waste. It presents
comprehensive system of waste management used in Poland, together with the individual and
poŜądanymi methods of economic exploitation and disposal of waste.
The third chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the Podlaskie region. Described
general conditions in the geographical environment, population and the situation
business community. A significant part of this chapter is devoted to analysis of waste
produced in the region.
The fourth chapter provides a summary of all the work. It includes in the analysis and evaluation
waste management system in the Podlaskie Province.
Indicated the action taken by the Podlaskie province, designed to lead to
improve the current waste management system, as well as indicated on the prospects
changes in the area of the system.
Already around 8000 to 9000 years ago to safeguard against pasoŜytami, wild
odorami animals and storage of waste generated by farm
households outside the settlements. These wastes are mainly remnants of food and
destroyed objects of daily use product.
There were several ways to dispose of waste and pollution. One of them
For example, it was a special digging pits słuŜących for temporary collection and
detention and treatment of faecal waste, then it opróŜniano and cleaned przewoŜąc
collected litter. Another way was to collect the impurities in the special
earthenware vessels, which were later wywoŜono.
An example of understanding the problem of waste is Athens in the days before our era. Already in 320
The BC There are formulated the relevant regulations concerning the daily
Cleaning the streets of the city's inhabitants. The authorities saw the problem in spite of this, not that the
notes a dependency between cleanliness and hygiene in the streets, and the scourges of disease, such as
damn. Garbage collected in Athens were stored at least 2 km outside the
StaroŜytni doctors like Greek scholar Hippocrates (c. 400 BC) and the Arab physician
Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 1000 AD) as first conjectured that there is a relationship between
hygiene, contaminated water, spoiled foods, and epidemics.

Increasing emphasis on the preservation of chastity placed the Romans. Roman Emperor
Vespasian (69H79 AD) has led to the setting of public nocników. By contrast, people
guarding them were obliged to pay a special tax called. "Pecunia non olet."
In this way to 300 on n.e. Rome istaniały 144 public toilets under which flowed
By contrast, the emperor Domitian (AD 81H96) on the basis of reports about his advisors
increase in the number of rats, fleas and bedbugs in times of carelessness about hygiene, ordered

Bilitewski B. G. Hardtle, K. Marek, Waste Management Basics, SeidelHPrzywecki, Warsaw 2006, p. 1 6
"Destroying vermin" by the killing of the above-mentioned creatures or similar
Living in filth.
Despite all the progress made in the past "plague" is still touching humanity,
has led to the extinction of entire cultures and surroundings.
StaroŜytna technique and knowledge of hygiene has gone on almost 1000 years in oblivion
at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire and the subsequent concerns related to
wandering peoples. Until the nineteenth century, streets, rivers and groundwater were contaminated by
waste and feces produced by humans and animals.

An example of this raŜącej even carelessness about hygiene are the plague that haunted densely
populated areas of Europe, culminating in a short period of time (1347H1352) Šerić approximately 25 million
people. This shockingly high number of deaths from contagious diseases accounted for approximately 30% of the population
Europe at that time.
These events have highlighted the then government and caused the reaction by the authorities
the problem of urban cleanliness. The result was paving the streets, which had eliminated
going through mud from the debris and faeces. Failure by the townspeople Regulations
purity was punished by high fines. With time, was introduced for use containers
waste, kept order on the streets cleaning them regularly, and all the things that
died creation of plague were likely to shed burned.
The breakthrough came only in the years between 1850 and 1890, when doctors and scientists in
Ignatius Semmelweiß'a people, health adviser Thilenius'a Robert Louis Pasteur'ai
Koch'a detected bacteria and viruses, and proven. That their spread depends on

An example of ignorance and irresponsibility of the authorities then it may be that
only in 1831 to 1873, occurred 9 major cholera epidemic, which resulted in
died about 380 000 people. Then also have noticed a clear dependence between hygiene
and generally understood human health and mortality of infectious diseases transmitted
by not maintaining adequate cleanliness.
Population began Ŝądać new solutions in the construction and proper health care
combined with the supervision of foods. Solutions in construction were to be
adequately ventilated housing and water treatment systems and wastewater treatment. This task
responsible technicians and inŜynierom on the shoulders of the creation of a new złoŜono
technology. Consequence of this work was to build in England, the first waste incinerator.

Ibid, p.1
Ibid, p. 2 7
A clear need to meet the hygiene requirements of confirmed events in the
1892 in Hamburg, where about 9000 people died during the cholera epidemic
(associated with contaminated drinking water). Hamburg plant water supply (in German
"Stadtwasserkunst) network powered by water from the Elbe water supply contaminated waste and
faeces, thus promoting Muscle Car Wallpaper the spread of the epidemic. Being under the Prussian administration
Altona Wandsbeck village and had their own water supply systems with facilities for
water treatment, which avoided its inhabitants before the epidemic. For the districts of Hamburg
St. Paula and her Eimsbüttel been particularly affected cięŜko. Consisting of a filter
sand water purification system would cost about 22 million gold marks. Behind
the effects of a cholera epidemic in city have to pay 430 million gold marks.

The consequence of this event was the opposition of the population living in the vicinity
Hamburg on the storage of waste in the vicinity of cholera contaminated their homes. Hamburg
Senate required to address this issue under pressure from the public led
the construction and operation of the first waste incineration plant in the German Reich.
Direct link between environmental health, and disease factors undermining life
people can be very carefully observed in the developing third world countries.
Wherever the rivers shall be discharged waste and feces, where people are forced out of poverty
is to seek livelihoods in landfill sites, where due to disasters, wars, and
economic underdevelopment, it is impossible disposal of waste water treatment
drinking and waste water, spread in various forms at once, and even at the beginning of the epidemic
Twenty-first century is unlimited.

It creates a threat against humanity a completely new task. It involves
creating new technologies are still processing and disposal of waste and
impurities. But above all, kase consider what exactly is waste, ie
needs further acquaint themselves with legal regulations on the economy
management in the EU and Poland.

Ibid, p. 2

Ibid, p. 3 8

1.2. The legal bases for the management of waste in the European Union

One of the main tasks of greening, which the European Union set itself the
priority is the implementation of rational waste management. The first legal basis for
this field have been introduced in the seventies, which in subsequent years
were subjected to enlargements, flare, and adjustments to changing
circumstances and situations.
The current system for dealing with waste in the EU due to the EU Council Resolution of 24 February
1997 on a Community strategy on waste management.
In the field of legislation on waste management, is crucial so.
The Water Framework Directive
. This directive contains essential requirements, by which it confers
direction of development of a series of detailed directives, laws or other legislation
For waste management, European Union legislation is divided into three groups:
? including general requirements,
? containing the particular ways, the stages of the waste management
? containing provisions different types of waste management
All the rules are attributed to one of the three groups.
Table 1 shows the documents constituting the legal basis for waste management

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