The Witcher, we had a chance to deal with so many monsters. Some will meet very often, others only once. The following is a list of them all.
Alghul - Trupojad, appears in the old nekropoliach and crypts. Insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver. To fight alghulami Strong Style is best.
Alps - lies in ruins, caves and abandoned houses, always close to human settlements. Is undaunted. Sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.
Archespor - grows in a place where they committed the crime was especially cruel, or at the grave of victims of such crimes. Is insensitive to any effects that affect the mind (fear, Stunning, Axii) does not feel pain and it can not be poison, blind, prostrate or bleed. Sensitive to silver and very vulnerable to arson attempt.
Barghest - weird dog. Comes from other worlds only when it is summoned. It is fearless and can not be poison. Sensitive to silver and very susceptible to knockdown attempts. Barghestom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.
Basilisk - Choose your seat on the dark and damp places - caves or abandoned branch channels. Insensitive to most poisons, immune to stun. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.
Bloedzuiger - Occurs in marshes and swamps. Invulnerable to poison, low resistance to stun. Sensitive to silver and fire. Bloedzuigerom against Strong Style is most effective.
Bigger brothers - mutants, which arose as a result of experiments with wykradzionymi wiedźmińskimi recipes and eliksirami. Supermen, perfect warriors. Do not feel fear and pain, are immune to enchantment, they can not disarm, stun and knock down. Vulnerable to the gun steel.
Bruxa - At its habitat bruxy choose ruins and abandoned office men, rare caves and grottos. Nieulękłe are sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.
Cmentar - It is difficult to meet him, appears on the battlefields and cemeteries. Insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom.
Dagon - is a mythical creature, according to legend, lies at the bottom of the lake near the village of chaos. Dagon is a god, so you can not kill him. The essence draws strength from the faith of his followers, which may be the only weakness of Dagon.
Gon Wild - appears in the sky as the preacher of the war and other calamities. Some scholars argue that this magical phenomenon, not a horde of vampires. The elven sources Gon is determined as the Red Riders.
Echinops - grows in areas where the crime was committed or the victim's grave. Echinops is a magical plant, born of a curse, full of malice and hatred. Is insensitive to any effects that affect the mind (fear, Stunning, Axii) does not feel pain and it can not be poison, blind, prostrate or bleed. Sensitive to silver and very vulnerable to arson attempt.
Fleder - Vampire lower, usually hunts in poorer urban neighborhoods, it can also be found in the vicinity of cemeteries and the wilderness. Fleder is a fearless and resistant to stun attempts. Sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.
Garkain - Vampire mediocre, mostly to be found in cemeteries or in the vicinity of the abandoned buildings in which to nest. Garkainy are nieulękłe, sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.
Ghul - grows on battlefields, cemeteries and abandoned crypts. Resistant to the usual poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom. Ghulom against Strong Style is most effective.
Graveir - appears everywhere we can find food, or carrion. Is insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom. Graveirom against Strong Style is most effective.
Ifryt - House ifrytów the Sphere of Fire. Masterfully in control of the element of fire ifryty Wizards can summon and compel them to serve. Insensitive to most effects, particularly in the fire. You can not stun or knock down. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.
Kikimora Worker - Kikimory attendants rarely zapuszczają the area, away from the colony, except in search of food. Insensitive to blinding and trying to call the bleeding. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom, susceptible to knockdown attempts.
Kikimora warrior - Warriors kikimor guard and protect the queen's workers, who in turn engaged in digging tunnels or acquiring food. Insensitive to most effects, including blindness. Immune to dirty. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom.
Bones - The creation of the mythical, created by magic. Only a powerful wizard familiar with the achievements of Alzura able to set up Kościeja. Resistant to most outcomes, susceptible to silver.
Kościogłów - creatures became extinct centuries ago. Resistant to stun and dirty, sensitive to silver.
Kikimor queen - the queen chooses its lair in a quiet, dark and damp place where the eggs can be made freely, for example, caves in the wetlands. Resistant to all effects, due to its thick armor, it is extremely difficult to hurt her, either a silver sword or steel. Moves very slowly, the only weakness kikimor queen.
Kuroliszek - nests in dark caves and cellars. High resistance to poisons, it is difficult to deprive him of consciousness. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.
Mutant - creatures created by Salamandra. Are unsuccessful mutants, created as a result of studies to develop the perfect mutant. Susceptible to the steel sword.
Mutant-killer - mutants, which arose as a result of experiments with wiedźmińskimi recipes and eliksirami. Do not feel fear and pain, are immune to enchantment, they can not disarm, stun and knock down. Insensitive to the precise match. Vulnerable to the gun steel.
Hound - well-trained and released to fight the beasts supervisors. They are armored and extremely fierce. Insensitive to the fear and stun resist. Susceptible to silver.
Gigantic Mutant - Being developed by Salamandra. Are unsuccessful mutants, created as a result of studies to develop the perfect mutant. Susceptible to the steel sword.
Midday - appear on the cultivated fields ghosts. Insensitive to blinding, poison, pain and bleeding trying to call. Nieulękłe. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.
Przeraza - Very rare beings, created as a result of magical experiments. Resistant to most effects, sensitive to the steel and silver, very sensitive to high frequency sounds.
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Północnica - appear on the cultivated fields ghosts. In contrast to Midday, occur after dark. Insensitive to blinding, poison, pain and bleeding trying to call. Nieulękłe. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.
Skolopendromorf - Occurs in forests and meadows, full of hiding places. Simple nervous system that makes the opponent see and eat in every living being. Insensitive to blinding and bleeding trying to call and try to knockdown resistant to stun. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom.
Striga - This is a woman transformed into a monster as a result of a curse, fills her hatred and ill will. Striga needs shelter, which can wait out the day. At the shelter often chooses sarcophagi in forgotten odnogach crypts. Resistant steel. Sensitive to the steel. Vampire could spell spending the night in the vicinity of the sarcophagus.
Drowning - is the creation of tables, appears on the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. Topilce are quite resistant to bleeding, insensitive to pain, blinding, poisoning, stunning, and Mark Axii. Sensitive to silver and susceptible to knockdown attempts. Topielcom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.
Weird dog - can occur anywhere where wicked people live. Resistant to most effects. It can hurt the steel sword. Against Upiornemu Dogs are the most effective style fast.
Phantom - haunt the place of his death or the grave, does not belong to this world. Insensitive to the sample blindness and trying to call the bleeding. Fearless and invulnerable to poison, pain, stun and knockdown attempts. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.
Utopiec - This is the creation of tables, appears on the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. Demons are quite resistant to bleeding, insensitive to pain, blinding, poisoning, stunning, and Mark Axii. Sensitive to silver and susceptible to knockdown attempts. Utopcom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.
Werewolf - Werewolves are lykantropami, or zmiennokształtnymi. Arise as a result of curses thrown. Roam near human settlements. Resistant steel, and most of the effects. Sensitive to silver.
Wyvern - lives in the wilderness or on the edge of human settlements. Wywerny are part of the natural ecosystem. Druids eagerly embracing these creatures. Resistant to stun and poisons. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.
Wyvern Royal - Royal Wywerny are more aggressive and larger than their common cousins. They live in the wilderness, often in the mountains, because they like to build nests on cliffs. Resistant to stun, nieulękłe and insensitive to the poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.
Zjadarka - Trupojady, they live near human settlements in the caves and ruins. Insensitive to conventional poison and resistant to knockdown. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom.
Zeugl - The essence of living garbage dumps and canals. His arms are long, thick tentacles closed suction cups with spikes. The most effective method to combat the systematic cutting Zeugl tentacles Styl group and choosing to bulwiastego Styl received a strong body.
Author: Name / Etykiety: The Witcher
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