
Author: Name / Etykiety:

The Witcher, we had a chance to deal with so many monsters. Some will meet very often, others only once. The following is a list of them all.

Alghul - Trupojad, appears in the old nekropoliach and crypts. Insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver. To fight alghulami Strong Style is best.

Alps - lies in ruins, caves and abandoned houses, always close to human settlements. Is undaunted. Sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.

Archespor - grows in a place where they committed the crime was especially cruel, or at the grave of victims of such crimes. Is insensitive to any effects that affect the mind (fear, Stunning, Axii) does not feel pain and it can not be poison, blind, prostrate or bleed. Sensitive to silver and very vulnerable to arson attempt.

Barghest - weird dog. Comes from other worlds only when it is summoned. It is fearless and can not be poison. Sensitive to silver and very susceptible to knockdown attempts. Barghestom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.

Basilisk - Choose your seat on the dark and damp places - caves or abandoned branch channels. Insensitive to most poisons, immune to stun. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.

Bloedzuiger - Occurs in marshes and swamps. Invulnerable to poison, low resistance to stun. Sensitive to silver and fire. Bloedzuigerom against Strong Style is most effective.

Bigger brothers - mutants, which arose as a result of experiments with wykradzionymi wiedźmińskimi recipes and eliksirami. Supermen, perfect warriors. Do not feel fear and pain, are immune to enchantment, they can not disarm, stun and knock down. Vulnerable to the gun steel.

Bruxa - At its habitat bruxy choose ruins and abandoned office men, rare caves and grottos. Nieulękłe are sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.

Cmentar - It is difficult to meet him, appears on the battlefields and cemeteries. Insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom.

Dagon - is a mythical creature, according to legend, lies at the bottom of the lake near the village of chaos. Dagon is a god, so you can not kill him. The essence draws strength from the faith of his followers, which may be the only weakness of Dagon.

Gon Wild - appears in the sky as the preacher of the war and other calamities. Some scholars argue that this magical phenomenon, not a horde of vampires. The elven sources Gon is determined as the Red Riders.

Echinops - grows in areas where the crime was committed or the victim's grave. Echinops is a magical plant, born of a curse, full of malice and hatred. Is insensitive to any effects that affect the mind (fear, Stunning, Axii) does not feel pain and it can not be poison, blind, prostrate or bleed. Sensitive to silver and very vulnerable to arson attempt.

Fleder - Vampire lower, usually hunts in poorer urban neighborhoods, it can also be found in the vicinity of cemeteries and the wilderness. Fleder is a fearless and resistant to stun attempts. Sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.

Garkain - Vampire mediocre, mostly to be found in cemeteries or in the vicinity of the abandoned buildings in which to nest. Garkainy are nieulękłe, sensitive to silver and oil against the vampires.

Ghul - grows on battlefields, cemeteries and abandoned crypts. Resistant to the usual poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom. Ghulom against Strong Style is most effective.

Graveir - appears everywhere we can find food, or carrion. Is insensitive to normal poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom. Graveirom against Strong Style is most effective.

Ifryt - House ifrytów the Sphere of Fire. Masterfully in control of the element of fire ifryty Wizards can summon and compel them to serve. Insensitive to most effects, particularly in the fire. You can not stun or knock down. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.

Kikimora Worker - Kikimory attendants rarely zapuszczają the area, away from the colony, except in search of food. Insensitive to blinding and trying to call the bleeding. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom, susceptible to knockdown attempts.

Kikimora warrior - Warriors kikimor guard and protect the queen's workers, who in turn engaged in digging tunnels or acquiring food. Insensitive to most effects, including blindness. Immune to dirty. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom.

Bones - The creation of the mythical, created by magic. Only a powerful wizard familiar with the achievements of Alzura able to set up Kościeja. Resistant to most outcomes, susceptible to silver.

Kościogłów - creatures became extinct centuries ago. Resistant to stun and dirty, sensitive to silver.

Kikimor queen - the queen chooses its lair in a quiet, dark and damp place where the eggs can be made freely, for example, caves in the wetlands. Resistant to all effects, due to its thick armor, it is extremely difficult to hurt her, either a silver sword or steel. Moves very slowly, the only weakness kikimor queen.

Kuroliszek - nests in dark caves and cellars. High resistance to poisons, it is difficult to deprive him of consciousness. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.

Mutant - creatures created by Salamandra. Are unsuccessful mutants, created as a result of studies to develop the perfect mutant. Susceptible to the steel sword.

Mutant-killer - mutants, which arose as a result of experiments with wiedźmińskimi recipes and eliksirami. Do not feel fear and pain, are immune to enchantment, they can not disarm, stun and knock down. Insensitive to the precise match. Vulnerable to the gun steel.

Hound - well-trained and released to fight the beasts supervisors. They are armored and extremely fierce. Insensitive to the fear and stun resist. Susceptible to silver.

Gigantic Mutant - Being developed by Salamandra. Are unsuccessful mutants, created as a result of studies to develop the perfect mutant. Susceptible to the steel sword.

Midday - appear on the cultivated fields ghosts. Insensitive to blinding, poison, pain and bleeding trying to call. Nieulękłe. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.

Przeraza - Very rare beings, created as a result of magical experiments. Resistant to most effects, sensitive to the steel and silver, very sensitive to high frequency sounds.
Volkswagen Wallpaper
Północnica - appear on the cultivated fields ghosts. In contrast to Midday, occur after dark. Insensitive to blinding, poison, pain and bleeding trying to call. Nieulękłe. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.

Skolopendromorf - Occurs in forests and meadows, full of hiding places. Simple nervous system that makes the opponent see and eat in every living being. Insensitive to blinding and bleeding trying to call and try to knockdown resistant to stun. Sensitive to silver and oil against insektoidom.

Striga - This is a woman transformed into a monster as a result of a curse, fills her hatred and ill will. Striga needs shelter, which can wait out the day. At the shelter often chooses sarcophagi in forgotten odnogach crypts. Resistant steel. Sensitive to the steel. Vampire could spell spending the night in the vicinity of the sarcophagus.

Drowning - is the creation of tables, appears on the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. Topilce are quite resistant to bleeding, insensitive to pain, blinding, poisoning, stunning, and Mark Axii. Sensitive to silver and susceptible to knockdown attempts. Topielcom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.

Weird dog - can occur anywhere where wicked people live. Resistant to most effects. It can hurt the steel sword. Against Upiornemu Dogs are the most effective style fast.

Phantom - haunt the place of his death or the grave, does not belong to this world. Insensitive to the sample blindness and trying to call the bleeding. Fearless and invulnerable to poison, pain, stun and knockdown attempts. Sensitive to silver and oil, against the ghosts.

Utopiec - This is the creation of tables, appears on the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. Demons are quite resistant to bleeding, insensitive to pain, blinding, poisoning, stunning, and Mark Axii. Sensitive to silver and susceptible to knockdown attempts. Utopcom is the most effective anti-Style Fast.

Werewolf - Werewolves are lykantropami, or zmiennokształtnymi. Arise as a result of curses thrown. Roam near human settlements. Resistant steel, and most of the effects. Sensitive to silver.

Wyvern - lives in the wilderness or on the edge of human settlements. Wywerny are part of the natural ecosystem. Druids eagerly embracing these creatures. Resistant to stun and poisons. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.

Wyvern Royal - Royal Wywerny are more aggressive and larger than their common cousins. They live in the wilderness, often in the mountains, because they like to build nests on cliffs. Resistant to stun, nieulękłe and insensitive to the poison. Sensitive to silver and oil against ornitoreptylom.

Zjadarka - Trupojady, they live near human settlements in the caves and ruins. Insensitive to conventional poison and resistant to knockdown. Sensitive to silver and oil against trupojadom.

Zeugl - The essence of living garbage dumps and canals. His arms are long, thick tentacles closed suction cups with spikes. The most effective method to combat the systematic cutting Zeugl tentacles Styl group and choosing to bulwiastego Styl received a strong body.

Vault of the future

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Vault of the future

Beginning on July 9, specifically the first 5 minutes. Sat in a chair with an integral glass of tonic (no gin). I turned a set of playing. For it is impossible for sit without music. But this time I did not want to deathową slaughterhouse or blackowy scream and I turned the manuscript recorded najfajniejszymi plate with pieces of Megadeth for me.

I turned on the computer, of course, automatically, quite unconsciously. Effect of 4 years of steady przesiadywania in one room. The night promised to be not interesting. He fell hard disk, almost totally. Most of the data is not read, I can not play any of my games. Fortunately, with kompa music do not listen. I sat and stared at the icons on the desktop, without much hope for any glimpse of the plan of doing something interesting ...

However, played for me, "Duke Nukem Theme" Megadeth ...

I came to the idea. I decided to show off, at the end of last August opierdzielałem terribly in this field. Show off about it, as I wait, and then binds hope in the coming months of my life. And that my life is mostly games, they decided to focus on.
Suzuki Wallpaper
Wait what?

Sometimes I get the impression that it leaves me feeling of waiting for the title. Destruction of the note of impatience and nervous anticipation. S.T.A.L.K.E.R? Crysis? Came out, over. No gamerskiej tone in my soul. Not quite as it should be. Rather than scatter the game world and enjoy the experience of something hoped for a very long time to cool the fact the message. No emotion. Zero curiosity.

Am I no longer enjoy the game? Probably not, because today I play for example, in Fallout, and still delights in his story, the complexity of the form. Continue to conduct its crowd in Baldurs Gate II.

And today, not waiting for anything properly ...

It might seem that I should have let go of majty pending in Fallout 3 However, to my own surprise, do not wait too much on the F3, but I dreamed about him many years. I believe that the Bethesda odwali solid work piece. However, impossible for me to be looking in the attic among Oblivioniczne wasteland. It is no longer the Fallout. I expect that this title will be really great, and many factors to suggest it. However, despite receiving similar climates as the game world and how its transmission will be very different. To sum up, Fallout 3 will not have the climate that have taken the first two parts. I will be playing in it for sure, but if I come back to him for 10 years now as I do with F1? I doubt sincerely ...

I will not gderał that games have lost their soul and now it's just a commercial taśmowość and Brazilian soap opera. Further titles will appear outstanding, but the machine Internet obedrze even strip them of the mystery. Once the Internet was for the elect. Knowledge of the upcoming games drew with computer magazines. And they force a lot of things about the game during its production could not pass up. Waiting with bated breath to release the game, knowing little about it. This created a brilliant atmosphere around the reception of the game. What we have today? Taking the example of Crysis can be safely concluded that at the time of its manufacture showing about 150% of its content. Millions of screens, presentation and gameplay every week a new one. So what came out rather see every day.
Viper Wallpaper
The situation does not look good, but there is one title, the last of the Mohicans in the industry ... He called Duke Nukem Forever. Apparently the first announcement of it was written before our era. Today once again we hear about the infamous DNC, despite the fact that millions of buried it a long time ago. Paradoxically, however, those millions in secret, waiting for the Duke. Perfect example of how the game can become a cult, not showing correctly any information about the game itself is not saying.

why consoles are better for playing, but will soon be

Author: Name / Etykiety: ,

why consoles are better for playing, but will soon be

For a long time I am connected to the console. I think that they are better than PCs. I am not a man who only uses the computer and think that it is the best. Therefore, do not lean their views on just anything. Consoles are better! Dear readers, before I zlinczujecie, learn more.

I remember from the past console war against the hosts in the section Action Redaction CD-Action magazine. The main argument for using computers to play was that they are universal. Nobody, however, failed to consider the fact that it was not an advantage and disadvantage. Why? Believe me, that I would rather not be playing in the background running Windows with a hundred other applications unnecessary burden to the CPU and eating up my precious RAM-I, which would serve the game. Computer (especially PC) is set to this to give you greater freedom, a lot of options. However, these options are often forced to become a curse. You need to have the operating system and applications. Everything on the other hand, that is created by someone other than the hardware manufacturer. Consoles do not have. Pseudo operating system created in the internal study programerskich company that makes the console. Regarding the number of options we are handicapped, but thanks, after buying the console everything works out of box. I love computers. I have a GNU / Linux and I like it when you see an error in it. This is another challenge. Another problem, which has a longer or shorter period of time will solve. A computer. But believe me that when I want to play, for example, go back to school after a week of science and throw myself on the bed, then I do not feel like fixing the bug to run the game. Or wait until Windows is odwiesi. No. I just want to play. All work and no longer. You should really be a big kiss consoles. For simplicity.
Porsche Wallpaper
A big plus for "telewizorowych razors" should be also considered that the equipment is the same. Consequently a lot of good. First of all, it should be noted that the PlayStation 2 game work on any PlayStation 2. Not only black, red and yet another. On each. When we go to the store after the game did not look at the cover to find tables with the requirements and think in my head "I wonder if it will work." I do not know for you but for me it was always exhausting. In particular, that each manufacturer used to gently depress the given requirements in order to gain more customers. First, ordinary, then already unhappy, because those who will have to play rozdziałce VGA and a minimum of details:) The second issue related to the lack of diversity of hardware consoles is that it is not no rat presses us to putty. Each PlayStation 2 has the same guts. Of course I know that newer versions have a few megahertz faster processors, but at this point does not matter. A few megahertz, compared to a gap of several computer gigaherców ... No comments.

Recently became popular as consumers presses the worst PC with the greatest price. Many of us are not familiar with the equipment. After all, you do not need. This is not an obligation. But the great shops, and more often and small, use it. In such computers, puts the number. It does not matter that you have a disc that supports DDR2 800 MHz. You will get the memory running at 533 MHz, because the stores in arrears. You'll get her "little more", or as much as is now standard. And everything is so nicely arranged that it looked like the most beautiful in the leaflet. How is it? "As much as 2GB of RAM DDR2 technology. Mockery. So it is with graphics cards. You will get the cheapest, with the weakest processor. It will be important that it has a lot of memory. Because only the amount of graphics memory is given in the leaflet. What that processor is so slow that you can not save data to the council of 256 megabytes, it's important that those megabytes is enough. Because it looks nice in the ad. So the case is also the processor (gigaherców war), the disk (gigabytes of war, and the old drives - SATA I instead of SATA II), and the like. Scary, huh? You know what you say? In the console world, there is no such situation. They are not possible because the hardware is the same. I even do not need to know what hardware is embedded in the entrail-twisting "TV toys", because as all games and functions provided by the manufacturer will work. Nice.
Rolls-Royce Wallpaper
I go any further. How often was the case that some accessories would not work with your hardware? Sure everyone has encountered such situation. Incompatibility may be both hardware and software. Often it turns out that we do not have a socket or a special system in our PC. Either system is old and does not want to work with the new hardware. My friend once bought a lovely set of 5.1 speakers. You know what it turned out? It has a stereo card. He did not know about it. It was not until I realized it. Three speakers remained silent. It can also be like in my case. I bought a joypad, which worked only with Windows XP. I had a Windows 98 and had no intention to change it just because it does not work the controller. So I landed on the pad and the cabinet on his way nicely already zakurzył. Overall, the mass of problems. Mostly the drivers. I do not think just the padach. PS2 connected to a dedicated printer works right away. Connected to a PC with Windows PC printer does not work at all unless wgramy drivers. What is charming. Of course, the matter looks different from a family of systems, GNU / Linux, which are the drivers themselves, but the number of Linux players have nothing to do with the number of players the Windows. At this point, another problem emerges - a lot of games created just for the operating system from one family. And the new are formed on only one - Windows Vista. So wanting to play on the pc have to worry about what you have a connector on the board, hold onto your desktop hardware drivers, worry about what you have software and with the purchasing system with the Redmond giant has already set aside cash for a new version for another game will require just a new version. In short it gives a lot of stress and additional costs. As for the console is different. You have PS2? You have the same network card as your neighbor. Network Adapter is the same for each console. Buy equipment for the PS2? Cool. Do not worry about anything, is dedicated and will work for sure.
Subaru Wallpaper
Another turn, and having regard to the advantage of the fact that the guts are the same console war is code optimization. In the world of computer games there is a war of who will do better graphics and music. Certainly. Only in relation to the world of video game consoles and it looks a little different. The latter is so that developers can take advantage of only 300 MHz on PS2. No more. How much RAM? 32 MB. No more. It's such a challenge. Who will do better graphics using only 4 MB of memory layout. Anyone who upakować largest map in such a small amount of RAM. Who will create better graphics effects by using such a weak processor. One studio Developers want to be better than the other. And that is good. In the world of computers is different, because developers do not have a clearly defined boundary of the requirements. Establish itself as the only pre-game will require. But if the final version will be more resource hungry that "nothing happens". "Let them buy a faster processor. This situation is further driven by money OEMs. Do not you think that sometimes demands of the game are far too big? Do not think that this is not the case, and the way to exile you to the hardware store? Sweet ...

Another advantage tells for use consoles to play a financial consideration. You know that the Wii gets less than 20W power?

The comparison made by the service HardCoreWare for current consumption by the next-genes and PCs
Suzuki Wallpaper
It should be added about how much energy consume other consoles.

I encourage you to deepen the topic at DXGaming where downloaded the table.

Consoles always take less energy. Look for the Playstation 1 When this console was that I was using the computer with the power supply 250 Watt. Even if you took half of that, it still is several times more than the console. And for all this money go. Money spent on electricity, which as you know, today is still more expensive in our country.

Why, then, this is the title of my feature article? From what you've read it seems probably that the console is a miracle sent by God from heaven. Once, perhaps one could say that. Today it is difficult to notice, and for some time do not pass us by mouth. Surprised?

First of all I would like to start with matter relating to power consumption of the console. As you can see - this value is currently very close to blaszaków. It's a shame. Next-genes definitely have a minus for me. There is no distinction or turn on the console - computer handicapped or a full-fledged computer that can do wonders. Both vessels, despite the great difference in functionality is similar energożerne.

Another issue is that consoles are becoming more complex. PS3 menu has so many options that it hurts the head, and the average user has no idea about half of them. I was very happy when I heard that the new Sony console will be able to install GNU / Linux. It was great news for me. Until they realized what it means. This is the first step towards losing the spirit of the console. Hard drive? You can exchange for what you want. Soon allow us to alter other parts and will be hell because of these advantages in favor of the consoles - will disappear. As for the hard disk is now necessary to mention the problems associated with Microsoft's new console. How can I create a good game when you are not sure whether you have the drive or not. I do not know whether you know, but cheaper versions of the Xbox 360 is sold without a disk. I remember that some time ago spoke about this developer Rockstar Games, working on the game GTA IV, because this issue has created a problem to them. Because thanks to dyskowi game can benefit greatly. It's a huge difference in hardware, which should not take place in the world of consoles.

In addition, it should be noted that the consoles are slowly become everything. Just as mobile phones. I have no phone. And even if I had not get rid of my MD player, camera, voice recorder and other accessories. Because the pierdółki mounted in the "cells" does not replace good to me, the real hardware. Consoles moving in the wrong direction. Websites, movies, operating systems, and soon did not know what yet. In all this madness of the idea is to give customers as much as possible. And the customer is happy about that. Only that for some time the same client wakes up from his hand in nocniku. Sees that there is no Toyota Wallpaper console, sound console, and a udziwniony computer. It all began on how to play helped the PlayStation CD-Audio ...

Dead Or Alive 4

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Dead Or Alive 4

Therefore, I like all kinds of fighting, and they are typically Console games, I decided to buy Xbox 360 Unfortunately, Microsoft's machine has not been issued, nor my beloved Tekken, Mortal Combat, or honest. The choice fell, so the Dead Or Alive 4

DoA4 is a very dynamic and impressive scrimmage, in which realism is rather small. Game designers allowed themselves the reins of imagination and urge all kinds of falls from heights and breaking the limbs are very frequent sight. Moreover, if we have enough of life, such misfortunes do not exclude us from further fighting! With the capabilities of Xbox 360 will see a great, a bit too colorful graphics, very nice character models (especially female parts), we will be able to multi-roll combat arenas, and all eyes; is quite a pleasant sound PeugeotWallpaper.

Dead Or Alive 4 offers 6 types of gameplay, plus the ability to play over the network via Xbox Live. The choice we have Story Mode, allowing us to unlock new characters and the final films, and new wdzianka. Time Attack consisting of the game as soon as possible. Survival, where we shall stand to fight an endless stream of enemies. Team Battle, where we make a team up to 7 characters and we are fighting against another team. Versus by which we can no obligation to struggle with the enemy. Sparring, which allows for quiet mode wyćwiczenie favorite character. In Team Battle mode, and Versus, we can measure it with friends if we have a minimum of two pads. Team Ninja Fighting game offers us a game over a network through Xbox Live. Here we deal with players around the world, and thanks to the ranking easily find someone at his level. Victory over his opponents not only give us a higher ranking, but also cash, we can spend on new clothes, avatars, or the room in which we look forward to fighting (Lobby).

Described modes of play, but did not mention the most important. DoA4 characters in the 16 plus another 6 to unlock, making a total of 22 Each of the characters presents a somewhat different, though sometimes a bit like fighting styles, so that we will witness the spectacular fights, where the defense is just as important as attack. As previously mentioned, each of the characters is very good. Some may find their mangowy appearance, but at first glance that this is the game is in this style.

Unfortunately, the game Team Ninja is not perfect and probably the worst part is the story. What is the problem? Almost no plot, and in those few cases where they could have a meaning, is so confusing and twisted, it is difficult to figure out what really was at stake. Sometimes the impression that someone just threw some random battles, to the three short videos and the final boss, without any rhyme or reason.

Another drawback is the final films. Very nice look, but they are very clumsily staged that spoils the overall impression. I do not know whether that was the idea of artists, or simply did not want to be directorPontiac Wallpaper.

Compared to the previous section, little has changed, and remains a pleasant DoA4 scrimmage, especially if we are to who you play. It is worth to buy the game, despite some shortcomings, and the story is simply playing good. Attention! The game unleashes amazing decks even aggression. Until now I was sure that I am a peaceful man;)

Fight For Kisses

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Fight For Kisses

Something tells you that title? I doubt it, maybe something few suite. But, but - the game is not that bad. : P I played it while my net nawalał and I could not play in the CS-ka. CD won the magazine CD-Action.

There is no secret, the game is a little strange. Our task is a constant struggle dad and son o. .. kisses, we (the son) and wife (for dad). Strange is that on my plate there was no intra, and the free games on the internet was. This is important, therefore, that when someone does not know completely what's going on, it does not make sense Tune game. And this was so, and I quote from the game trailer:

"There were times when the children had a carefree life. The delicacy of their skin to attract all the attention I have. And then one day, fathers found the secret weapon (blade Wilkinson). Since then, dads and children can fight the same way. Now men can play and regain their wives. To recover the mother has no choice but to fight .... "

Strange and twisted, but the reduction. Simply the idea is to win fights and then we kiss a beautiful woman, so much. This is the main and only goal of the game.

The game is written in Flash, so there was no obstacle to place it on different sides as a little game ... online. Does not install it. Launching it from your CD or DVD there, or at any web giercząc - we even lovely to look at the main menu. In sum, it is confined only to the PLAY button, but do not let no detail. Then select the character. As you might guess, is the son or father. Anyone can train separately for each character, but I think that sooner or later, choose a favorite. In my case Opel Wallpaperit was a kid.

Rifle, hehe. I will always be the album a product in which you describe them. Here are three types of weapons. Aqua sword, a teddy bear and pillow. I understand why there is no tool more bloody crimes. Simply would be politically incorrect and the immoral. Yes, I know that these games come out, but to my dad killed the child or the son of his father? What it is not. Matched to each weapon is a different room. But really, you can traipse through the house. The sword is a water bath, to a pillow-room, and the bear-child room. Gameplay is divided into three rounds, and the like will be a draw, this and more. Dad and son all the time after crashing their heads, that's what. But that was not boring, are also kombosy, such as temporary "immortality" (one can not die, we are simply immune to blows), and rain on the opponent's toys.

We see the world from the side, as in the series titled Tekken, Mortal Kombat and the like. Hud have stripes on life, combos and points. After nokaucie ONLY opponent faints.

Stubborn will still rave that it is giereczka excessive advertising. Well, this is so developed. At each step, see the ads Wilkinson. But if free, it can be a little pocierpieć, as for example in Battlefield: Heroes.

As for graphics I have divided views. It is nice, the fact, but in the window. When we enable full picture at once seen plenty of pixels. The panel also move the walls, and a larger terribly muli. Unfortunately, and could be better.

Sound? Ojj ... hard to say. Sounds cool in battle, but do not sing for too long. Sounds monotonously, over and over again and repeat the tire, so I recommend playing your favorite music. ;)

It is worth noting that the manufacturer's website you can find the mass of interesting things. From 20.03.2008 to 30.04.2008 he was a contest on the side of an official, which could win various prizes including laptop and digital camera, but I do not know, I was not able to register there.

It is time to take stock. The game is first and foremost and far too short for a big minus. You can play, but in the long Radocha no promises. Do not exaggerate, it is not rozgłośniony, a commercial product.

I do not know you, but I was terribly amused, to tears. Two years of beating his father to the child sick? No problem!

Bad Boys II

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Bad Boys II

Bad Boys II is the game that tells the story of two black policemen-Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey in the TNT (Tactical Narcotics Team). The game is a film version of that film. While we do not have the same plot as in the film, but it is great. You guys are back in style. They are angry and determined. In one hundred percent effective. Even worse than the movie screen. Yes, you can briefly describe the play that up.

Would be best if I you, dear reader, to explain the situation from the beginning. At the outset the game is automatically introduced a short, but it is a nice intro to the world of acting there. We see the old, thick boss Tulio Mendoza, who among his soldiers and gangsters instructs his envoys certain task. We see that the Mafia Mendoza already has problems with TNT and wants them eliminated. Okay, let's get started.

Once you hit the new game, after a short filmiku get into the clutches of the Beretta nielimitowanymi stones and head for the conquest of Miami. Immediately be noted that we are not alone. When our side almost always is a partner. Sometimes when we have somewhere to get themselves, communicate by walkie-talkie at all times. We iem Mike or Marcus, depending on the mission. Usually the roles are changing allMitsubishi Wallpaper the time, once Mike, Marcus, and once again, and again. Watch the action from the view TPP, but introduced elements of FPS, which is the soul of a good. But more about that in a moment. It is also worth mentioning that the entire interrogation closely follows Captain Howard, the chief commander of police in Miami. He will be challenged us to be committed damage, oppressed for non-evidence, and whatever else you invent.

In Bad Boys II, we have the opportunity to go after a total of 13 levels divided into V acts. On one piece consists of 2, 3 or 4 levels. In every act of the last stage we have to defeat certain bosses or if they are missing, we have at the end of a great shooting. While playing we can play in two ways. The first way is to Demolition - we can safely do rozpierduchę in bars, premises, room, rooms, offices and so on, and thrash out all your opponents and collecting evidence. In this mode master will challenge us in very well-designed summary of the investigation. We can also play at a decent cop who does not want to have too many fatalities how guilty people on his conscience. When you go in the game this way, you will certainly notice at all doors, barricades, walls, columns, floors colored circles. To make them "stick" key press action. At this point the hero, which is controlled by hiding behind cover, and here we start playing FPS mode. Step out from behind the walls and the like, we see the hero's eyes. What is there more to describe? FPP mode, as the PPF.

In total, the campaign itself is very short. The transition takes the ordinary, niedoświadczonemu player for about two hours. However, as you know "what and how" it calmly give advice to go to that game in less than half an hour. But this does not mean that the game is short! In addition to the campaign, you can practice at the shooting range of each weapon available in the game to be podszkolić. For the training course are awarded points accuracy, etc. Yet there is something that greatly extends the game. Namely, it comes to cheats. Of course, you can enter the boot, but ... As we all know - just nooby playing with codes. Using fraud in games are often referred to as "illegal". But I think that the codes in a way in which they are zaserwowane BB can go. After every pass, the game unlocks a cheat 1. They are very diverse, such as the Super Shotgun, Molotov cocktails instead of grenades, infinite ammo, weapons do not need to overload and many others. But to pass 10 times a game? I doubt that someone wanted to. In the end, you can write something there to enjoy them all at once ... The downside is also a ban on the use of facilities acquired by us in the campaign. You can only use them when playing fast. What else can we pay attention during the game? Well, sure is nice submenu titled: THE TNT. In it you can see descriptions of the collected weapons, enemies, and - of evidence. In this submenu watch the statistics such as number of total shots, killed the bandits, etc.. Who would have thought that throughout the game fired more than 30,000 bullets?

For sure I describe in this review a summary of steps and acts. As for the terminating stage I do not have the slightest reservation. Everything is fine - we can see if and where the enemy missiles włupaliśmy as shots in the head, and stuff other stuff. But valued on the box with the game ranking system BAD BOYS is a huge exaggeration. Tons, beating opponents, because it is them that are so ugly to speak, from cholera on a map,Nissan Wallpaper at the stage of about a hundred, by weight of the evidence gathering, firing a weapon from the hands of enemies, doing the least damage, and won praise from the commander of the status of my average CLAY? Well, how so? After all, I should have at least RAMBO. But fortunately the old man groans Howard, you can quickly bypass the Esc key. Of course, this discouraged me to continue to play at the right of a policeman. Just wyżynałem all in turn.

The dynamics of the game is great, just watch videos on YouTube, to understand what I mean. For the graphics too much stick, I can not, however, the quality of video clips could be better. As for the sound and the spoken dialogues also have no objections. I like, but just no ... dialogues. The downside is that it is constantly repeated. Of course there are many, but the text in the game or hear a few more than ten. However, I do not deny that the continuous derogative remarks are wrong. Marcus and Mike are still wyzywają. Opponents also apparently are not too interested in that one of their attacks. Shoot slowly, painfully, sometimes hide behind obstacles. AI is underdeveloped, but it can be comforted great diversity. We have been here many opponents of street thugs with a single gnatami by napakowanych guys with guns and big gorillas of CKMami until bosses. Enjoys number gnatów also possible to use in the game. We have here the basic police handle what and rifles, shotguns improved, kałachy, "emczwórki" Augi, snajperki, grenades, Molotov cocktails, MP5, pistols and my favorite - a golden gun. Revolver kills normal enemies 1, maybe 2 shots, but it is certainly terribly strong. And what if it pozłocić a few thousand bucksów? It looks beautiful, is one of the Tulio Mendoza and may be in the game to give only one (!) Shot. At the end of the game, of course.

The year is 2008, the game was released a bit earlier, which also has its advantages. Costs less than £ 15 and for fairly long portion of the entertainment to announce formally that it is worth. As the evaluation shows - I liked the game itself.

Erix [playing the cell]

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Erix [playing the cell]

Erix is certainly known to all holders of Sonny Ericsson phone game. I decided to do and write a variety of Games Corner is such a thing! I mean, out of boredom, I started playing at school because they do not yet have any portable machine to play, in addition to cells. I think you probably want to the reader / czytelniczko this review, because I really hard to find anything on the internet about this game. Therefore, I have only one screen of the game, which still found on some Asian (?) The side of. |

Launching the game with our Ericsson (in my case it was the K310i = /) are moving into color main menu. Do not wonder any longer click on "Select" and start New Game. Here we choose one of the three levels of difficulty: easy, medium or hard. At ease, our diamond moves faster, on average slower and slowest difficult, so the game gets extremely difficult. But do not exaggerate, so terribly that no longer is, but appearances are often mistakenMazda Wallpaper ...

What's going on? Let me explain. The game is about drawing a line in the diamond and, before recourse circles, including diamonds, or as it is called there. To access level to be scratched, which fill 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 or 90% of the display. What board game is harder, so we will have to face up to four wheels circulating around us. But, but not so easy. There are also various types of obstacles, such as growing out from the board lock, stop motion, and the total blockade, ie, we can only move left and right. The board is a total of 38, it's still not reached. In total, it would suffice completely below 38, because more are already artificially lengthening the game. To sum up-there are no innovation, but only a pleasant entertainment for a few minutes while waiting for something or just like that, for pleasure, the odstresowania.

As for the controller, then I recommend playing mobile joystick. You can play a combination of keys "2-8-4-6", but it is quite difficult, so why force the poison? Also did not think of it, but came to the conclusion that the game is free, you can download from the internet. As for the cell, annoy me is that some things are in the permanent memory, they can not be removed. For the Erix it as one of the three Gierek on my coma could be removed! I thought as I did, I wanted to free up space on the coma, unfortunately. :-(

AsMercedes Wallpaper for sounds, there are not great. Oh, composed simply dźwięczki to play, pleasing to the ear. WARNING! Nice mean in the first 6-7 min., Then you can burn. Continuous "tydym" could lead to insanity and the person standing next to us. If it comes to graphics, how the cell-very pretty. Full, bright colors give a fabulous climate of this simple game. I did not expect anything more, so not disappointed. The game is written in Java Script, so before you install it, our coma must support this language. And so there was no ambiguity gierczyłem in version 2.5.0. Terribly versions vary, so do not cry right away that I write about things that in your version of the game is not. :) In necie found a surprisingly, this description is to giereczki and some strange, poorly distributed side. Description was probably three sentences, and talking about nonsense, which in Erix `e is not. Or maybe it depends on the version? Also I think that I nabil about twenty-seven thousand points. Who beat me?

-Unfortunately, the game is not without flaws. They are, but this teeny. The first audio-formatted it anymore. The second flaw-freeze. I understand that there has to be some obstacle, some ... ORDER TO SUCH BUT UP! " When you can not move, you'll see a red, blinking sign in the left corner of the screen, better immediately restart the round, he will wait for half an hour until we odmrozi. The third defect is monotony. I still do the same thing over and over again. Here it must also include the artificial drag of the game. For me-too long. Well, a long playing hurt his hands. , D

I think that is really worth playing. In general, we play games, whatever. :-) The game is really good when it comes to the category of cells, and not to choose a good game. There are many newspaper szajsu for 10.98 PLN or more, and worse than Erix `a. I strongly and heartily recommend.

Gumboy: Crazy Adventures

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Gumboy: Crazy Adventures

Recently, reviewing kwietniowo-beetle special edition CD-Action, nadziałem on a (arising from the screenshots) bizarre pełniaka called "Gumboy: Crazy Adventures." Since the game at first glance reminded me of a simple budżetówkę, very surprised me pochlebienia and click on the part of editors. So what there is not a sin to give the game a chance. I was worth.
After seeing Cinemax studio reminded me of an old, good 'Deamonica' (perhaps little known game, but pretty good), so I was curious what our Czech colleagues came up with this time. I came out of this climate and something truly funny.
Every time you start playing you can set and test the general options. This is a very convenient way to adjust the settings, which also avoids having majstrowania during the game.Lincoln Wallpaper
Menu of the game itself is very interestingly done, with fun interactive solution can now be pokulać "and jump right before playing, thereby selecting options. Maybe this is not a new world, but still very pleasantly to the eye, and always more interesting than a conventional solution.
Without great zwleczeń create a new account and would like to welcome our long tutorial that introduces us very well in the game, showing all the possibilities of movement and giving a wide field for the exercise. After the levels move up one ball during the game that changes the form and content. When this form has less impact on the game, it was decided the material of our freedoms: standard material is rubber, which is designed to move through the ground and swimming on the surface. It is also very vulnerable to falling material similar to kiślu, where you can swim under water, and the latter a kind of balloon, which can only meaningfully move in the air.
Essence of the game is simple, but much of it they could get hold of. Since we're talking about arcade platform game, our goal is always the entrance to the site to which we can access most frequently after a series of tasks. These tasks are limited in most games for the transportation of certain items to the appropriate form through the magnetic field that surrounds the "hero". While in principle we do all the time by the same operation, but no way to feel bored. Why? Not enough new elements that come into play, and so new to crack nuts, are those items that we transport, we also put various demands. We have, for example beans, which is strongly reflected from the earth (which is similar to the rest of teletubisiów, so pounding on the wall makes it especially a lot of fun), a drop of water, which should be careful not to burst, and the magic dust, which is rozlatuje and collect orders. A whole, consisting of forty levels, controlled by only four keys or joystick. That is the magic dust you can see the first really good physics - in fact everything the game as it should be. Ball, if it just is reflected in a very realistic (sometimes even accost her on the edge of the platform, if it falls in the appropriate corner). This is also important during the swim, because the "hero" did not dive at will, rather, tone, bouncing off the walls, respectively (and so are the flying). At this point, you must plan the trip, and this is only possible if the hero is reflected as it should. Movements in all forms must zmajstrować otherwise threatens or penetrations such as drowning.Lotus Wallpaper
The same image, though to be maintained in the second dimension, could hardly be called ugly. Levels with the character are drawn in a fairy tale - comic style, which boasts a strong, pleasing to the eye colors and amazing lighting. Thanks to this game can be safely entrusted to the younger generation.
However przeznaczyłbym game for each generation due to the difficulty level szwankujący. Sometimes you have to show off a good patience to persevere to the end. Since when games start to care about good sound, often play with headphones on his head - and "Gumboy: Crazy Adventures" it pays well. The most interesting is that simple musics that we know of similar games, so really there is no *. For this we have divided the stages of the level of sounds, such as burst of wind or birds or crickets chirp. Often sounds like an echo of supported music heard around the important figures and objects. A funny idea of authors is also visible and audible awareness of the hero: if something goes wrong - will be disappointed if it is too long under water - it is suffocating, when you squeeze through the crack - groans, etc. In total, we get a very interesting and professional sound scenes, and by the way this is not a bad idea, because sometimes this may be the background music during long gaming sessions annoying (especially, like something out of spite does not go). However, in these wonderful qualities I find the critical point, rather it comes to wasted potential. Namely, it is nonsensical scoring system, as long as you do not have family orMaserati Wallpaper circle of friends, which can be measured, it is not much incentive to re-move game. Although there is no shortage of hard-to secrets of getting in return is not, nor medals, nor the contents of the bonus, additional levels or similar ao high-score table online or any combination of games and the Internet is far better not to talk. The only result which can be seen, the summary points. This is all a pity. Here, in my opinion could add something to the whole not bored too fast.

In short, we get a decent platformer, which introduces fresh ideas to the genre and because of the distribution tier is well suited for short breaks - and it's like for free. You only need to bury the plates CD-Action (and probably have more DVD-Action, D) and find a special issue this year. Give the game a chance!

* Except the bonus levels

The Witcher

Author: Name / Etykiety:

The Witcher

Five long years of the Northern Kingdom of curing the wounds after the Great War. Engulfed thousands of plague and famine. Surviving commando elves and dwarves were taken deep into the woods and gather strength for the last desperate spurt. On traktach and roads, the fields of ancient battles monsters reigned supreme. Increasingly, you could hear the question: Where are witchers?

On arrival we came witchers wait 4 years since I first heard about this project. CD Projekt Red Studio relatively long and quietly worked on his game, but in recent months, people from marketing overclocking atmosphere. There have been some new screenshots, news, and in recent weeks before the premiere, we were showered with different presenting filmikami Witcher. With each day that the atmosphere became more heated, until finally the game went into the hands of players.
Jaguar Wallpaper
The game takes on the famous Witcher, Geralt of Rivia białowłosego, also known as the White Wolf or Gwynbleidd. Geralt is a professional monster slayer, trainees from small and subjected to mutation as the other witchers. Among ordinary people makes him an incredible reflexes, strength, intractability of infectious disease, faster recovery of the body and hair color, eyes adapted to vision in the dark.

Our białowłosy Witcher gets wounded in the surroundings of the castle Kaer Morhen headquarters survivors witchers. Geralt remembers nothing. In addition to his old pals meet sorceress Triss Merigold. During their conversation, the castle is attacked by a large gang of thugs led by a murderer, and sought an unknown magician. Then the Witcher will also have the opportunity to remember something about a sword fight.

The combat system in The Witcher is very easy to learn and at the same time very attractive. But it is pointless to click the mouse as in most computer RPGs. You click once on the opponent, and when the appearance of the cursor changes, click once again. Each time Geralt's attacks are faster and stronger, insofar as we can of course click on the appropriate moment. During the fight Witcher performs really cuts a lot of striking, thrusting, salt and spins. Everywhere around the pouring blood and flying heads. Particularly brutal are called. finishing. When ogłuszymy or powalimy opponent, Geralt dobijający performs a special attack an opponent. Yelets can kill, stab to death with a dagger, cut off his head so much and finisher is najefektowniejszą are probably part of the fight. Witcher always carries with him two swords, the steel monsters and humans, and a silver for monsters, the steel sword can not kill. For each match of the sword are the three styles. Strong, ideal for slow and strong enemies, fast, checking the best in the fight against rapid and very tough opponents, and the style Grupowy, you'll be used by a larger bunch obskoczeni opponents.
Lamborghini Wallpaper
Kaer Morhen fight in progress, together with a beautiful witchers based zbirom Triss and Geralt is doing what belongs to him. After a few skirmishes, and recognizing the Fortress itself, it's time to Białowłosy remembered how to use the Marks. Marks a kind of magic used by witchers. We can use them with the right mouse button. There are five characters, repulsive and stunning Aard, podpalający Igni, creating magical shields Quen, telepathic Axii and Yrden, creating a magical trap.

Over the next few moments we are forced to take very important decisions whose effects will be shown later in the game. The Witcher is completely different than other games of this type.

The consequences of our choices are so evident later that it is possible to freely save, loading and making other decisions. Project developers have created so-called CD. flashback, or a short scene reminiscent of the decisions we have taken. Flashback activated when we are witnessing the consequences of choices made earlier.

After some time, and a few battles, get to know the secrets of alchemy. We learn that the base to produce the elixir is strong alcohol, and what its quality is better, this elixir is powerful. We also need the appropriate components are included in the relevant regulations. They will win the game from killed enemies with crates, cabinets, cupboards, and from merchants, for a fee of course. Elixirs can cook during meditation.

Meditation is a kind of rest witchers. We can meditate at fires in the inns and the homes of friends. During the rest we can prepare potions, and distribute gifts.

Talents are gaining with each successive levels. We divide them into bronze, silver and gold. We can distribute them among the attributes (features a), the characters and the sword of steel and silver. Attributes are divided into Strength, Dexterity, Strength and Intelligence. Characters are Aard, Igni, Quen, Axii and Yrden. Steel sword and silver is a style of strong, fast and Grupowy to each of them.

In the castle Kaer Morhen killed one of witchers, a magician and murderer steal the recipe for the famous witcher mutagens. Existing residents agree to leave a fortress in search of thieves. Geralt goes on the trail, and more specifically to Wyzimy, the capital Temeria.

The Witcher gets to the rim Wyzimy, performs various tasks and instantly goes to the city. The city that lives its own life. People talk to each other, roam the streets, and when it starts raining hide under the nearest roof. When night falls, the streets are only Wyzimy municipal guards and bandits. Vizima itself is divided into districts of the monastery, inhabited by poor people and nieludzi, commercial district, where residents are mainly noble family, and old Vizima, controlled by the plague of the city, which get access until the end of the game. In the meantime, visit Geralt smelly, swamp monsters and complete chaos and rustic village fields.

The graphics in The Witcher is very good. Sites are nice, and some draw the eye views. Characters also look good, although mimicry of talks does not correspond to what is said at the time that character. Body language makes up for that failure, however. When the caller is afraid behaves differently than when they are upset, the same applies to a neutral attitude to our interlocutors, to express happiness and attempts to intimidation. Overall image is very good, Aurora engine can do the trick.
Land Rover Wallpaper
Irritate can invisible walls at certain times, or the penetration of bodies into other enemies of certain items, but these are trifles, which in most cases they do not interfere with gameplay.

Actions of Geralt of Rivia accompanied by great music. Varies depending on the situation and place in which it is located Witcher. Voices as well deserve applause, especially when our main character. Jacek Rozenek perfectly suited to his role.

Equipment hero is not unlimited, we can carry with them only 3 weapons + dagger or a torch, as well as many smaller items as will fit us in four czternastoslotowych sakwach. The same weapons in the game is not enough, but there is no such variety as in Oblivion, or Gothicu 3 However, this does not matter, we will only use swords, which can be used in conjunction with wiedźmińskimi fighting styles. Using another type of weapon does not make sense. There is little or armor, I met only three. Despite this, the game The Witcher is a true pleasure.

World in which Geralt came to live over again, is a world liżący wounds after the Great War described in the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski. Cycle of short stories and composed of five volumes of the description of Rivia adventures of Geralt, the White Wolf was the inspiration for the CD Projekt Red during the creation of The Witcher. The game itself feels the unique atmosphere of Sapkowski, who was present in his prose. Dialogues are good in many hilarious moments, the behavior of Geralt is perfect, and the story draws on many, many hours.

The story itself is quite complex. We are telling the main thread of the doings of Geralt, a journey in search of his friend's killers and thieves wiedźmińskich secrets. We are many twists and turns, and our main adversary turns out to be the person to whom one would not expect. Main thread gives us about 40 hours of gameplay, and additional topics are added as many side.

It is also worth mentioning minigrach. They are playing poker and boxing kościanego. We spar in pubs, there's always someone who wants to break off from Geralt, but this is not profitable entertainment. Otherwise is the case with kościanym poker. You can either win or lose a large Sumka. The game itself consists of throwing the dice and posing ever more money.
Lexus Wallpaper
Game CD Projekt Red is a very good game, despite a few graphical errors and errors in the same game that improves the already released patches. Witcher shows that the Polish studio on spisało perfectly and fulfilled all the earlier promises. So stick with it.

> swap


Author: Name / Etykiety:


I remember when all this started - I mean the PM - it was probably between us, this silent agreement that we should not grow. It was probably silent agreement between us to continue in this ignorance of youth, would not grow with time, naivete and innocence of being young. We were still surprised, to love only slightly and never die. That July, however, that agreement could not be maintained: life, which is both sweet and bitter, had its own plans.
Hyundai Wallpaper
None of us had never had to die - but he died. On the night of 3 on July 4, Tom Kasperowicz, who writes under the pseudonym of AM Phantasmagor, took his own life. Tom died at the age of only fifteen, it is remarkable that so young yet boy so he could impress us. I admired his courage, brilliance and self-confidence, or none of it could not talk to beautiful women. I firmly believe that had it been with us longer, it is wyrósłby noble and honest man - that was also in life. Unfortunately, we are only guessing what would once Phantasmagor and what should have reached, by reading his texts but we still think of those nienapisanych. Tom's last text, "Diary of towing, you will find in this issue of Action Maga. Tom is the same cemetery in Żmigród; visit him, if you have nearby.

We also had another promise: to fall, as it befits a young, but not be sober in love. And that word could not keep, but this time - fortunately. Some of us love the fact so firmly that they were not afraid to acknowledge this love. July 12 this year, took a vow: Maciek Kuc, our Founder and first Qn Internet and Ula, known to all of us in Action Magu as Vene. First Magus Garniturowy Action Congress started the church in WroclawJeep Wallpaper Brückner, where the couple vowed to love each other, faithfulness and cohabitation. We all keep our fingers crossed for them, let you to prosper and arranges, and life will be light and fun. Wish you all the Action Mag - Maciek child, though born out of wedlock.

It may sound trite, but it is true: life can connect at once and destroy. About how much convinced us this July. Therefore, we draw from all this pathetic little moral: you love how much time is enough. Ula and Maciek already understood, we let's one example.


Author: Name / Etykiety:


Ever taught him how to remain static for forty-seven hours. Our brains with Skute chains are broken every second of the action. Each muscle tension is for them as you sip cold water for a man lost in the desert. Each bend the bones in the pond for them as a model for the twenty man leaving prison after odsiadce-old.
Unfortunately, evolution did not foresee that man will become an endangered species.
Persuaded him that it all depends on the mind, and the greatest enemy of man are the emotions. He was told that his son had been killed. The wind did not shed a single tear. Otherwise, not suited to the profession inHonda Wallpaper which they are trained.
Are you sure that profession? Now that's a way of life, food, routine. Do not do it for the money. These were not on every issue. Do not do this for fame. Celebs for the squirrels, bears, or hyenas? He did it because the employer allowed him to live. Experiences.
To take into immobility by forty-seven hours, you must disable the brain. Can not think of his mistress, bedding, armored combat dżipie, near dinner, fly to the Fourth Earth, nor the needs of your body. You must close your eyes, turn off the brain and remain vigilant at the same time denying the consciousness. After three hours of waiting Wind back to reality at the sound of heavy steps.
Do not carefully watched their own customers. Watching them, but paid no attention to any details. Aiming to them, but not memorizing their appearance. This customer was exceptionally unlucky. Was betrayed by one of the partners with whom they do business.
Wind numb feet - the only part of the naked body suit - but it did not matter. Odbezpieczył weapons, avenged in a customer waiting for a partner who never had to appear, and waited. Being a good murderer is not only the skills of shooting. Need to know when to pull the trigger. Not when the target is located on a convenient position. Shoot when the whole world around screaming in despair at the thought that soon another life being lost. This moment came just when the customer has relaxed his hands in his pockets, staring straight into the eyes of his executioner, and so unable to see it. The killer pulled the trigger. Sighed with relief, while trying to relaxed body has not made the slightest movement. Camouflage combat suits were not perfect, and certainly were not designed for such situations, in which he now was. The wind rose a few millimeters above the water, and touching the smooth panes that ended in shock every cell of his body umięśnionego.
From the shore it was divided thirty meters distance. Thirty, one hundred, five feet - and whether a prisoner sentenced to death have any meaning, how many days leftHummer Wallpaper to comply with the sentence? The soldier, struggling with a heavy sniper rifle, which still need to be protected by zamoknięciem, slowly began to dress your feet.
Four hours later the wind arrived on shore. In the meantime, implacable darkness fell. The man turned east and began wandering. The sky looked ominous on Earth three enormous blocks of rock that once formed the Moon.

In the feature article

Author: Name / Etykiety:

In the feature article

Just keep in the hands of my new świeżutkie cda:) I started reading the editorial, then glanced at news and announcements and finally I came to GW - and more specifically to a feature article the reader.

The "Polish Thermopylae" I learned, and how, and with songs the band Sabaton. Ba ... To make matters worse I found out that this name has been baptized (and probably quite rightly) as many as four battles fought by the Poles. I could delve further into such places as Kircholm or Khotyn, but then thought oddaliłabym from which attempts to present in these few sentences. Returning to the theme - hisorii I can learn quite a few years now, and is associated with her future, but it had never heard of defense Wizna. Why? Well, because in Poland learning about the history of our country has long since descended to the margin, even such events as the Battle of Grunwald, or relief of Vienna by the teachers - or rather, manuals and program, because I think that if it depended only on teachers, many would changed - introduced into the siding. I realized that my knowledge of history is a mix of information from television, Internet and other media, and not the result of our educationFerrari Wallpaper.

On the other hand, is winning praise Polish porpagandą not stink? It stinks, but if it is not just propaganda Now we need ...? Whether in a country where 2,000,000 people are immigrants does not need such a strong zastrzk Polish? And finally whether we learn our history from the Swedish teams powermetalowych? Clearly we need to, but I feel sorry for those who never know who they were soldiers of 303 Squadron of what is known as the Desert Rats or never read about how the Poles saved your ass western countries (that is before the invasion of the Ottoman Empire, then again before the Bolshevik onslaught), and who knows, if you do not do this again (at the end of consensus on anti-missile shield is, rather, to protect the West not to us).

However, with the promotion of Polish must be careful, because once you can be wyśmianym, I give here an example of the last article of ONET (quoting from memory, but kept the general sense): "Game of the Warsaw insurgents doing an incredible sensation overseas. The editor (and here he fell Name some little-known company) has already sold over 300 copies of adventures Polish soldiers. " - And two that the boundary of patriotism to nationalism, which is unfortunately often confused with neo-nazism and contemporary anyone who puts nation above other values immediately becomes skinhedem (or, with luck, plain not serious freak).

I knowFord Wallpaper that the text does not appear in the CDA - time, rather that continue the discussion does not make sense, and two, that GW just missing the place and firmly in place long essays appear zdęcia fine readers of inventory in hand, and probably well Finally, we have vacation. Rather write it all in order to uwolinić swirl in my mind, I write it for yourself, for you and to the full text of similar boxes GW;]. Before I conclude - minor correction. In defense of Wizna participated 720 Polish soldiers, who a few days (if my memory serves me - 3) prevented 42 thousand. German soldiers and more than 120 tanks, but that does not mean that for every killed Pole for nearly 40 dead Germans, as well as 42 thousand. soldiers is not only the teeth uzbrojena infantry, it also cooks, medics and officers, and thus the pathos that accompanies the song Sabaton is a little exaggerated, after all happy that if they do not know how to appreciate our own history, that while others can.


Author: Name / Etykiety:

I wondered what we eat as well. What happens then this happens to our food that we can often work miracles, even the small ones. Is it only this function, in order to survive, not to starve to life?

Folk wisdom does not lie: the hope is dead last. Threw herself once or twice on dry pavement, then chlup - to the pool. She was wearing, and how, falsely green bathing suit. It was the last thing I remember - bottle streak of drops of fresh air and spray my face. A gentle rain, it looked a little like I was crying. Some.

Normally, that is, until now, the hopes raised in the city, only in t-shircie with the inscription "Fuck everything" and trousers bojówkach, whose deep pockets concealed her great indecision and desire so weak that it sufficed to convince the mosquito that drunk some of the blood grubasowi zajadającemu hamburger at a street booth. Fat man wearing a militia, which is a rather important observation - not everything dressed in cargo pants, is hope. Weighing in over one hundred and thirty kilograms man certainly hope not, because I like the hope of what? That the staggered disc onions hanging from the edge of the rolls did not fall on the sidewalkDodge Wallpaper?

When cutting onions tear that spun me in the eye and had less luck than the word then in the hands of vegetable fat man. Indeed, flowed slowly down his cheek and inexorably reach the mouth. Licked. This is a way to avoid abuse of salt, so its internal circuit. What about the eyes, the mouth is. Immediately I remembered the hope and even more so it started to look out the windows of fast food. Still not approaching, even though I made that day more than a hundred hamburgers. I thought that it is impossible. Usually not told you waiting longer than a dozen obliźnięć. This time I had in my mouth full of salt. I am not surprised that the doctors before her respect, it appears that it is there in the middle of hell. I wanted to say hope as soon as possible, but the more I wanted, the more it there in the crowd, it was not. Onion with a meal, fat man finally fell to the sidewalk.

We were disappointed. Both. He - he was very fond of this vegetable, I - I knew that something was ended at this point. Everything is a symbol, it means everything. And when the white slice as if in slow motion inexorably approaching the board sidewalk when rozdwajał and roztrajał, showing the interior of their predictable, when he lost height and finally struck cichuteńkim "slap" right next to the shoe man - I have had no doubts: she went . Fatty ordered another burger.

Sudoku paralyzed by the process

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Sudoku paralyzed by the process

The scandal in the district court in Sydney. The ongoing process of 66 days, two men accused of drug offenses has been interrupted, because the jury - the cities to take notes - playing in the sudoku. Process that has already cost Australian taxpayers the equivalent of two million gold - will have to begin again, this time before another jury. Accused penalty of life imprisonment.

The whole affair would probably not come to light if not for observation of the accused. Reflected the fact that the jury more often than from left to right, wrote down their observations from the top downwards. Doubts raised a lawyer, the lawyer reported them to the judge, the alleged notes proved to be the planszami the puzzle.Citroen Wallpaper President of the jurors admitted that at least four members of the jury took up the puzzle to the courtroom, explained that this practice allows them to not lose interest in long-term process. Since such extracurricular activity is a violation of the jury right to a fair judge, the process must take place again.

Sudoku is not the first time, pushing his dirty digits where you do not need. In 2005, British Airways have banned their crews solving this puzzle on the plane. The reason was that part of the flying personnel devoted to completing the diagrams during take off and landing - so quite risky procedures.

Already since the wasabi, the local horse-radish, you know that something is like in Japan - it must be careful with this.

Change your mind

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Change your mind

Senses sharpened to the limit. Almost feel the room slowly circulating the summer air. I sit motionless, listening to the silence. Quiet murmur in the hall disturbs the perfect harmony of the environment. Starts as if I awoke to the gentle slumber. But I could not sleep. A long time since I did not sleep. How many hours? 60? 70? Something like that. If at that time I pulled this shit? A lot. This idea reminds me of two kilkunastocentymetrowych, ideally equal kreskach white powder built up on the desk. After amfetaminie gets pedantic. Symmetry. Symmetry is fascinating. Is a substitute idealności. Ideality does not exist. Is a model, an elusive goal for which we strive every day. Symmetry is a very close idealności.Cadillac Wallpaper Therefore, everywhere trace the same symmetry, and I create it. Even the bloody dust usypując two perfectly equal and parallel lines, ideally in the middle of the desk. Why do people not see the beauty of symmetry? Why I gotta pull a few grams of white shit and did not sleep for two nights to see them? What a difference. It is time. I turn perfectly equal to the tube with a small card and two perfectly identical towers mark perfectly equal to two holes in the nose. I close my eyes and gentle smile, I look forward to what just happen. After a few moments of impatient waiting feels gentle pressure on his temples and a sudden surge of euphoria. Under closed eyelids almost see serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine dramatically dedicated to my brain. I have a nose. He feels that it trickles out of my blood. I lift up from the sofa. Actually, I did not raise, but my bodily shell. Now as never before I feel the barrier between physicality and mind. Soul? No I do not believe in a god, hence the souls or not. Let it be your mind. This operation is performed not mind floating. It only corporeal shell commands. Feel ashamed. Strange, inexplicable shame. I'm so imperfect. Such asymmetric. Now I want to change almost everything inside. I go to the mirror. I see on my imperfect and asymmetric face dripping one, asymmetrical, repulsive curve trickle of blood.Chrysler Wallpaper Stops in the corner of his mouth and further flows almost perpendicular to the ground. Feeling disgust. Disgust for the world to people, to himself. Turns the tap and washed the blood from his face. I hear that someone entered the apartment. Pal. Whats up. Whats up. What happened to you. Nothing. Everything okay? Yes. Eh, people are so pathetic. So care about appearances. Dude knows very well that the naćpałem. Blood from the nose, wild, bright eyes, gray skin, abnormally enlarged pupils not reacting to light. He knows me so well that at first sight to see that I was stoned. But it must preserve appearances. Pretending everything is OK that the world around him is beautiful. Entering the apartment does not see a bloody junky looking like zombies, just an old friend, whom the blood flowed from his nose. Probably from fatigue, too much a poor man learned last night. That is easier. I return to the room, instinctively I improve mouse and keyboard on the desk. I go out onto the balcony. Morning, summer sun strikes in me a wonderful warm, causing extremely pleasant chills. I close my eyes and deeply enters wonderfully brisk morning air, listening to the screams of happy children playing in a nearby kindergarten. I look at the couple growing tree at a miserable piece of land on the green of the developed in this grim, gray area. It makes me sad. Even with tears in my eyes. This tree is so lonely. Been growing the same. Every day someone is not based on, or makes them urinate. Nobody, in fact, not interested. Despite this growing every day, every week, every month for many years. Despite the contempt shown by everyone and everything, even the stray dogs and cats, bravely performed the task assigned to it - a bit sad beautify the block "and the process a little CO2 to O2. Light up a cigarette. Incurring strongly of smoke seen walking in the countryside and on the people. Kids going to school, adults at different ages and both sexes are hurrying to work, students over the follower to the tram stop, thick women returning home from shopping, returning to their families to cook them dinner, powrzeszczeć to defy her husband and children from nierobów and drunks. All follow somewhere in some order. Everyone seems to be free. They feel that they are masters of their fate. But the truth is quite the opposite. Since the birth of the world goes to the full of slaves. And from the very beginning they become slaves. Slave scheme, a system. Almost every man goes from his birth until his death one of the paths that are imposed on him by society, environment and position in society. Childhood, school, work, retirement and death. That, or otherwise everyone is kidnapped by the gray mass that surrounds us and become another mindless sheep shepherd drove the predetermined direction. Puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. Each game will play like him. And anyone who tries to oppose it is killed, closed, or destroyed by a massive community bezwolnych golemów. Individualism is a pathology and perversion that must be liquidated, which do not match. I am finishing a cigarette and go back to the room.Chevrolet Wallpaper I assume earphones, purify the mind of all thoughts and delights in the music. I listen not only to the organ of hearing, but throughout the whole body and mind. The two entities are ambivalent on the brief moments of unity. Mind blends into the body like the Ying and Yang and lives together with him due to the wonderful sounds of orgasm tranceowej music.


Author: Name / Etykiety:


It is 1 am, just returned from court, and decided to write something, I immediately warn you that this is nothing related to the game - although some comparisons will be. Well, so I thought one of the world, over what we are fed in movies, games, TV series. In most films the hero's fortunes are involved, are packed in different situations, but always comes up with the greatest oppression. In life many can not cope with even the smallest problems, and this phenomenon is a growing right now in the era of television. Why is this happening?BMW Wallpaper

In my opinion, because many young people would like to experience such adventures as mr. X in the film, save the trouble of beautiful women, who then spend the rest of my life with them, to stand out from nothing and claim the money and fame, save the world. Many young people growing up in the films is terrified of such a reality that is not such a wonderful, nothing is arranged, no problems finding a job, a girl, her place in the world.

I am not writing this to condemn the film industry or gaming industry, you see I myself am just such a man, I'm already 19 years old, but the videos still move me, no matter whether it is a production of Oscar-star cast, or catching a movie on the case " single room "or" dwójce. Just after the séance can imagine the fate of the characters, often portraying a character in a rich imagination that I have it at night before bed I tell you only the fate of this woman, my money is my glory is mine. Living something that I never have and I feel this good, but only until such time as not sleep, I woke up the next day comes a such a sadness that really still lies in their miserable lives ... unfortunately Do not get me wrong, at home I can not complain about anything, I have wonderful parents, which many would envy me, I have no siblings, I live in a new, nice house, my colleagues and perhaps even like me: P Worse Thing but the fault of the that for any I do not have the time and I can not devote ... But I miss the thrill of life, some adventure, for something spectacular, great. Something that will never do ...

That's why I hit my videos, I am a very sentimental by today's standards (which may argue that the lack of girls, but also of the derivative, battles to get involved, then that does not suffer), and therefore show me what this life will never be I was a little hurt, no one of us who do not want to come again to rescue a beautiful girl, to win the trophy in sports, to play a concert before thousands of fans, or save the world from destruction? Not only in the game, but really ...Brabus Wallpaper

In total, it did look a little different, but it came as came out, the time it gives already making itself felt: P Thanks for reading this crap (if anyone ever got, x), and I hope that your eyes do not look like a emo , which is still above him biadoli.

The answer to the feuilleton

Author: Name / Etykiety:

The answer to the feuilleton

I admit that a good curiosity I read the last pages of the feuilleton's GameWalkera. Bothers me, but it quite a lot of generalizations and selective treatment of the subject. So I decided to clarify a few issues, both relating to the Polish education system and global defense Wizna ignorance about the heroes of their own homelands.

In the previous issue of the person behind the nickname Zingiberis called themes have long been under discussion - the Polish education system and the issue of valuing heroes. or particularly deserving people for their homeland. As it turns out, these are not matters too far. This band Sabaton song, "40 - 1" provoked a small storm of our country, flew to the charge that Poles do not know their own history, that the people who sacrificed their lives in the fight for the Fatherland is not a word even remembered the lessons of history. I admit, interested in history for a long time and probably know more about it than the average Polish student for whom history is just another school subject katorżniczym. I know that the defense was not the only Wizna battle known as "Polish Thermopylae", I also know, why do not we learn about it in schools. Well, would not be as great heroism of the defenders, as well as tremendous advantage would not have the troops of the Third Reich, the battle was with point of view, a marginal skirmish campaign, that's another pebble thrown by the Poles at the feet of the Nazi army. And, unfortunately, a student who comes barely remember the battle 5 September campaign dates do not remember much about the battle, which, though of course, is very commendable for the Polish armed forces, has little historical significanceAudi Wallpaper.

By the way, the problem of the characters and their honor (or rather its absence) is a global issue for which just should not worry. I do not know whether I went to special schools, but in my little I knew people who would have heard about the role played by the Poles in the Battle of Britain, decoded the Enigma, and the operation Overlord. Not only that, this knowledge is not reserved for lovers of history well beyond our borders! For example, some English pubs boast that they spent time in the Polish pilots, the device is even evenings, the memory of them.

And just the fact that the average Polish Gimnazjalista not know that the Poles were decoded Enigma (apart from the fact that this name probably little he says), is wdług worrying me a lot less than what is happening in Europe and overseas. Because it is that German teenagers say that Nazism was generally cool "and the fact that American children think of George Washington as the founder of the Washington Wizards basketball team is probably much worse. To clarify matters a little - as most do not like the fact that Poles do not know too well its history. I do not think, however, that public discussion should focus on those points, because a broader view would benefit us moreBentley Wallpaper.

Nationality, or how to unsubscribe

Author: Name / Etykiety:

Nationality, or how to unsubscribe

This (nomen omen) art will be worth their two heroes. The first is, fortunately, had been Deputy Minister of Education, Polish coryphee creationism, defender of the oppressed, the Redemptorists and fabulist in the person of one - that is, Miroslaw Orzechowski. Miroslaw Orzechowski, as loudly inform the media, appealed to President Kaczynski to take away Lukasowi Podolskiemu and Miroslav Klose of Polish citizenship, proclaiming all and sundry that the Polish law prohibits the possession of two citizenships. Another hero is the Wojciech Cejrowski, known throughout the country traveler, journalist and barefoot warrior on the front antyhomoseksualnych crusades. Cejrowski, in turn, in an interview with the Official, announced the renunciation of Polish citizenship and move to uninfected European Union in Ecuador, where (as they say) the grass is greener, the hacienda and the broader more intimidating homosexuals.

Both initiatives bring in a strong emotional charge, of course, but we look at them from a legal point of view. Indeed, to answer the questions: can anyone receiving Polish citizenship (1) whether it is possible waiver of that (2), and - if such options exist - it looks like the procedure for making such a denationalization (3).

Let's first appeal Miroslaw Orzechowski. The proclamation is - except that proof of emotional AMG Wallpaper popaprania activist LPRu - is also a frightening testimony to how the former minister of legal ignorance. As we read in the Constitution:

| Article 34 paragraph. 2. A Polish citizen may not lose Polish citizenship except by renunciation thereof.

So we see clearly: the Constitution prohibits anyone receiving citizenship, and that in any circumstances. Where, then, in the right-wing radical idea that the law does not permit the holding of dual citizenship? Probably over-interpretation of the Law on Polish citizenship. The law says that because:

| Article 2 Polish citizen under Polish law can not simultaneously be considered a citizen of another country.

Does this provision - formulated, let us admit, rather unfortunately - is a ban on having dual citizenship? Of course not. Under such an interpretation of a Polish citizen disadvantaged Polish passport at the time of acquisition of citizenship of another country, and this reading of that provision is manifestly contrary to the already quoted article of the Constitution. This provision - as explained by the Supreme Administrative Court judgment of 28 December 1994 - "not a bar to have two citizenships, but only the fact that a Polish citizen under Polish law can not simultaneously be considered a citizen of another country." This provision does not mean So nothing more than that someone (such as Podolski and Klose) have Polish citizenship, will always be treated by the Polish law as a citizen of our country - it will not be so tyczył for example, restrictions on the sale of land for foreigners.

Otherwise applies to the journalist Cejrowskim. Cejrowski wants to renounce citizenship, and has the right to do: allow him to take it again, this article of the Constitution. Detailed information about the making of national apostasy found in the Articles. 13-17 Act on Polish citizenship and the President's regulation on the same topic. Journalist Cejrowski to renounce Polish citizenship must have citizenship or have promised to Ecuador; certificate attached to it an application or steward (if Cejrowski already living in their Ecuadorian hacienda) Polish consul. Such a restriction serves to protect individuals: in fact comes from the correct assumption that the possession of any nationality is better on the status of stateless persons. Against our bosemu publicist could not be contemplated or judicial proceedings: when such a waiver pending citizenship is not possible - because it could be a way to wymiganie from punishment. Request for waiver of citizenship and the governor shall provide the necessary documents with their opinion, palatine, and did - through the minister responsible for internal affairs - the President. President lands on the desk or request the consular officer. This president makes the final decision is his decision shall be final, Wojciech Cejrowski should therefore be careful not to podpaść the First. Refusal of consent should be, however, due to the important prerequisites, consent will automatically result in the loss of Polish citizenship (and hence has, as they say wisely, constitutive nature). If such a situation occurs, the consul or the governor wręczający applicant agreed to surrender him must take proof, passport or other evidence of Polish identity.

So we see: the case is feasible, though requires samozapracia. But what I think you Aston Martin Wallpaper Cejrowskiemu no shortage - may also sincerely believe, count on the support people. I will add it apart brick: I can help in completing applications and carry a suitcase. If he took the Minister Orzechowski - even barefoot.


Author: Name / Etykiety:


I would like to address an important problem kopiarstwa, which is now so developed in the network. Recently created an increasing number of blogs, forums in which the writers can not create computer graphics for its time. Then will "borrow" something from the gallery artists. An example is the international gallery deviantART. Many bloggers stealing from thence to insert pictures into your blogs, often asking for permission from work.
Once this problem was not so cumbersome, but now where I do not watch, the blogs are hundreds of drawings (mostly) deviantART. Bloggers think that the creator does not work if you will notice a few pracek. Later, however, it becomes the insertion of several works that have appealed to Blogger, and just be themselves appropriated. "I downloaded the picture from the gallery ... author probably will not notice, even if you are sure to close his eyes. For in the end what it publishes?" -This line of thinking to today's bloggers.

As one of many artists from deviantART, I am against kopiarstwu. Community of artists trying to remedy this problem, using a variety of ways. Blog: Amber neck was acting against this scourge, and describes the consequences kopiarstwa. In addition, some artists allow you to use the majority of his drawings. (prohibiting only add strings of "Do not copy !!!!!" and other galleries and addresses of zamazywania Artah) write about this in journalu on their galleries. However, it does not help. Thieves do not pay attention to the prohibitions. Destroyed on 1 blog, using the images belong 100% to the author created a few other blogs.
Alfa Romeo Wallpaper

Copyright enjoyed by everyone who has created something original and your own. Without the consent of the author can not use its work. Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights:

Article 1
1. Subject matter of copyright is a manifestation of creative activity, each with its own character set in any form, regardless of the amount, purpose, and the expression of the (track).
2. In particular, the subject of copyright works are:
1) expressed in words, mathematical symbols, graphic signs (literary, journalistic, scientific, cartographic and computer programs),
2) plastic
3) Photo,
4) Guitars,
5) industrial design,
6) architecture, architectural and urban design and urban planning,
7) Music and musical-musical
8) stage, theatrical-musical, choreographic and pantomime,
9) audiovisual (including visual and audialne).
3. The song is the subject of copyright law since the findings, even though he had not completed the form.
4. Protection vest regardless of the fulfillment of any formality.

Rule 2
1. Development of someone else's work, in particular, translation, processing, adaptation, is subject to copyright law, without prejudice to the rights of the original song.
2. Disposition and use of the development depends on the approval of the original creator of the work (right of subsidiaries), unless the author's economic rights to the original work have expired.
3. Creator of the original song may revoke a permit if, within five years from its grant to develop has not been widespread. Remuneration paid to the creator is not refundable.
4. For the development are not considered work, which was the result of someone else's inspiration piece.
5. Studies on the copies include the author and the title track of the original.

I hope that it will speak even to the "thieves" who, without authorization take someone else's work. You can pay for it, even a fine.

About community devianART

I would like to address an important problem kopiarstwa, which is now so developed in the network. Recently created an increasing number of blogs, forums in which the writers can not create computer graphics for its time. Then will "borrow" something from the gallery artists. An example is the international gallery deviantART. Many bloggers stealing from thence to insert pictures into your blogs, often asking for permission from work.
Once this problem was not so cumbersome, but now where I do not watch, the blogs are hundreds of drawings (mostly) deviantART. Bloggers think that the creator does not work if you will notice a few pracek. Later, however, it becomes the insertion of several works that have appealed to Blogger, and just be themselves appropriated. "I downloaded the picture from the gallery ... author probably will not notice, even if you are sure to close his eyes. For in the end what it publishes?" -This line of thinking to today's bloggers.

As one of many artists from deviantART, I am against kopiarstwu. Community of artists trying to remedy this problem, using a variety of ways. Blog: Amber neck was acting against this scourge, and describes the consequences kopiarstwa. In addition, some artists allow you to use the majority of his drawings. (prohibiting only add strings of "Do not copy !!!!!" and other galleries and addresses of zamazywania Artah) write about this in journalu on their galleries. However, it does not help. Thieves do not pay attention to the prohibitions.  Acura Wallpaper Destroyed on 1 blog, using the images belong 100% to the author created a few other blogs.

Copyright enjoyed by everyone who has created something original and your own. Without the consent of the author can not use its work. Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights:

Article 1
1. Subject matter of copyright is a manifestation of creative activity, each with its own character set in any form, regardless of the amount, purpose, and the expression of the (track).
2. In particular, the subject of copyright works are:
1) expressed in words, mathematical symbols, graphic signs (literary, journalistic, scientific, cartographic and computer programs),
2) plastic
3) Photo,
4) Guitars,
5) industrial design,
6) architecture, architectural and urban design and urban planning,
7) Music and musical-musical
8) stage, theatrical-musical, choreographic and pantomime,
9) audiovisual (including visual and audialne).
3. The song is the subject of copyright law since the findings, even though he had not completed the form.
4. Protection vest regardless of the fulfillment of any formality.

Rule 2
1. Development of someone else's work, in particular, translation, processing, adaptation, is subject to copyright law, without prejudice to the rights of the original song.
2. Disposition and use of the development depends on the approval of the original creator of the work (right of subsidiaries), unless the author's economic rights to the original work have expired.
3. Creator of the original song may revoke a permit if, within five years from its grant to develop has not been widespread. Remuneration paid to the creator is not refundable.
4. For the development are not considered work, which was the result of someone else's inspiration piece.
5. Studies on the copies include the author and the title track of the original.

I hope that it will speak even to the "thieves" who, without authorization take someone else's work. You can pay for it, even a fine.

As usual.

Author: Name / Etykiety:

As usual.

I try to write anything, and my cat, ignoring the delicate net of hands and a discreet allusion to the best sleep in the middle of the keyboard. Has the nose that I find annoying, and that I am disturbing her. She just has to sleep here and now. I admire her for that.

Similar is the case, when she did not do anything, the pursuit of which could disturb me somehow. When you do not read the book on which would put its esteemed, nestorski head perfectly in place, which just tried to read or you do not try to fall asleep and can not arrange themselves in the position of my legs to collapse in a dream has become impossible, such situations is always a pile of my clothes. Straight from the money of course. Naturally-black. And as the race loach is to himself that the greater part of her body (that is not occupied by the incredible blue eyes) occupy the white hair, a logical corollary of this fact is the collapse of the dream just wyprasowanej black blouse. I have no hint that the next day I was walking advertising pet-my outfit just screams: "Look, I have at home a charming, pleasant, well-behaved kitten.

Only the charming, pleasant, polite, there are no kittens.

Our relationship began with admiration. My delight at the sight of a small white ball brought in the inner pocket of my father. Nieodwzajemnionego admiration. Because of my view of six girls Zuza immediately responded quite bluntly-to today I have a scar on her affectionate and warm welcome from the sharpest claws, which, moreover, after I had constant contact. As an eight year old kid to piano lessons as a little hamper ever scratched my hand on the red lines were arranged in a charming pajęczynkę. But only a little ashamed, so after returning home, came back to play with my best friend.

This is my grandmother or mother gives her to eat every day, which is obviously not insignificant achievement, but it comes to me as soon as the opportunity to sleep in the heat of my knees. Now, when I'm not home for most of the week and on weekends I can always count on a portable heater cat lying on my feet all night and walking with me step by step throughout the day.Krystal Steel I have always been close. Why?

Perhaps, because it is simply a cat. And cats do not try to be as I expect from them, with great dignity and class proudly represent their relationship to other sentences. They have a nose judgments, prejudices, castigation and other courts, they never take the good with the assumptions. Only when the same are convinced that this chair is actually comfortable, are unable to accept this fact. But then their merit, and not those who tried to convince them. Do not believe in anything, which is not the same staff, while taking things with stoic calm as they are. It seems that looking at others from above, but it is only their unwavering self-esteem will not allow them to psiemu przypodobywać to others. Do not solicit environment, allow yourself surrounded seek, but can be extremely sensitive, warm and loyal. Are not popular just because for some people to accept someone's independence and awareness of separateness is something abstract. And I always wanted to be so.

And perhaps because sleep and food have always been a top priority for both of us? Celebration of these two steps we have just the blood and mutually learn from each other in their championship performance. So no one can contemplate the moment as a cat squinting his eyes and casually moving like a mustache and a tail is a perfect illustration of the elegant laziness. Wygrzewający the sun always associate me with some original state of absolute relaxation and happiness, and the awareness that in a moment that still shaggy bag can become a fearless hunter swallows only increases my admiration for him.

By the way ... I heard the owners of animals over the years become similar to their pets. A Zuza is mine for nearly 11 years.